Here's How I Can Help👇

Looking for Fully Booked Fitness Classes?

👇🏻Get Access to the Class-Filler Roadmap👇🏻

The Fitness Class Growth Club Is Perfect For...

  • Group Fitness Instructors looking to fill their classes
  • Group Fitness Instructors looking for templates & done for you graphics to promote their classes via social media with minimal time & effort
  • Fitness instructors teaching classes, online & offline,  with low numbers and little income to spend on learning how to make it work
  • Fitness instructors looking for a high value and low expense resource to turn their existing services into fully booked & in demand!

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Need FitBiz 'How-to's' & Industry Expert Help?

*Includes access to The Fitness Business Growth Club

The Fitness Business Masterclass Membership Is Perfect For...


  • Fitness Instructors & business owners who would like to access specific tutorials and information on all the business and marketing side of filling classes & running a fitness business
  • Fitness instructors who want to learn from industry experts without the huge price tag of investing in courses and trainings
  • Fitness instructors who would like to run a more time-efficient and profitable business
  • Fitness instructors looking to start a business
  • Fitness instructors who would like to master social media, their time management, confidence and transitioning online


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Get High Level Support to Build, Launch & Grow a Time-Freedom Online Fitness Business 👇🏻

Build, Launch & Grow an Online Fitness Business & go from 👉'I don't have a clue how' to 👉 'I am ruling the world online, how was I not doing this before?!'


In this high support - lifetime access course you can learn to implement The FitBiz Freedom Formula™, creating online assets that you create once, then sell & support clients on repeat!


This training is ESSENTIAL if:

  • You no longer want to figure out how to go online by yourself
  • You're ready to earn an online income in your fitness business so you can teach less & earn more!


CLICK HERE to learn more

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From Burnout to Sold Out logo

A Beginners Course to Creating an Online Fitness Service/Product in 10 Days!!!


This course is for you if:

  • You want the simplest way to create something online so you can start making in income FAST!
  • You're not tech-savvy and you need a step by step guide to show you what to do in the shortest time possible.
  • You haven't got a website but you'd like a simple, free way to host & something online.
  • You have little time & dwindling income so you need a process you can implement in as little as 30 minutes per day & a process to generate an income online as quickly as possible!

Immediate, lifetime access for £29!

Get Immediate Access

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How to create a fitness training for instructors

Do you have a method of teaching that you'd like to train other instructors in?

Have you built a successful fitness business model that others could replicate?

Do your clients get AMAZING results with your unique plan/system that other instructors could implement to get their clients those exact results?

Teach, train or help other professionals replicate your signature FitBiz Method & make an income making an impact in the industry!

Join the VIP wait list for this course

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How to create a fitness training for instructors

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6 Weeks to Create, Build & Launch an On Demand FitBiz

Would you LOVE to stop figuring things out on your own and start taking the right steps towards FINALLY achieving an On Demand Fit Biz?


 A 6 week step by step training on how to create, build and launch an on demand Fit Biz so that you save time, avoid overwhelm and increase your income.

👉 The 6 week training follows the Level Up Your Fit Biz Method which is a unique system to achieve an online Fit Biz in a simple, easy to follow process.

Get immediate, lifetime access for £49

Learn More
IHMFB 6 week laptop pic

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Unwrap your fitbiz stacked logo

Unwrap your FitBiz so you can unleash the true gifts of your services & transformations for you clients & your INCOME!


My 12 step process to UNWRAP YOUR FITBIZ FOR SUCCESS includes ...

Simple yet transformational practices & tutorials that guide you through my unique mindset, practical business implementations & methodology — while leaving room for your own authentic “gift” to be unwrapped!

Immediate, Lifetime Access for £29

Get Immediate Access

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 Groove It Fit White

The All-in-One Dance Fitness Class Solution for Fitness Instructors, Gyms & Dance Studio Owners

 Groove-It-Fit  Fit-and-Flow  Fit-on-the-Floor  HIIT

Learn More


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Helping your class participants 

Find CALM through MOVEMENT!

I want to support you in setting yourself on the path of a new & very different experience with teaching classes & helping your clients with not just their physical health but also their mental health by:

  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Helping them unwind and let go of their day
  • Reducing overwhelm & overthinking
  • Finding the present moment and present awareness

...All WITHOUT sitting on a yoga mat for hours saying 'Ommmmm'

Teach This Format for Just £97

Get Immediate Access

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