Blog 13: How to Manifest Everything You Want in Your Fitness Business

Blog 13 - How to Manifest Everything You Want in Your Fitness Business


(3 Simple Business Steps To Get Clear on What You Want to Stop Attracting What You Don't Want)

If you’re an amazing fitness professional (which I know you are) but you find yourself trying to 'convince' clients to come back to your business more often then you'd like …

It can be disheartening & make you feel like you're just not good enough!

You know your stuff … you get your client GREAT results …

...but you still find yourself not quite hooking in the right clients or making enough consistent income.

(And/or your business isn’t drawing in the kind of loyal clients you really want.)

There is a super easy way to fix this — a mindset & marketing shift I wish someone had shown me when I first started my fitness business - offline and online!

It's easy to get caught up in the 'lack' mentality of not enough clients or income instead of an 'abundance' mentality …

-and physically move you into that abundance reality 🙌

I call it the “FITBIZ GIFT LIST” — and it does just what it sounds like:

Gives you a clear list or definition of what you truly desire from your FitBiz & the gifts your FitBiz provides others that turn them into 'fan club' clients

Here’s how it works:

Step 1

— Ask yourself and write a list; what’s the “gifts” that I can provide my clients that I know make me the best fit for them?

-don't dim your light doing this - write down everything that makes you a flippin' awesome fitness professional

Step 2

— Write down 10-20 reasons why your clients need YOU and/or your services RIGHT NOW

-again don't censor yourself, these can be used in your marketing but more than anything it instils your belief in YOU and YOUR VALUE

Step 3

—Write a list of all the qualities, attributes, values, personality of your ideal clients - as if you were writing down all the things you'd want in a life partner!

-this isn't about where they live, gender or what their struggles are.

This is more about WHO you'd like to work with - e.g. committed, outgoing, friendly, would recommend me to everyone they know, excited about everything I do, helpful....

When we're clear on these things we start to 'attract' the right clients because...

  1. We're clear on how we can help them and so it's easy to start shouting about our services

  1. WE BELIEVE in our abilities to help them and OUR WORTH to start charging our worth

  1. And we start to embody the clients we want to attract


Don’t be afraid to 'brag about yourself' when you're writing your list (and when you're marketing your services.

Think about it - would buy from someone who kind of, sort of believed in what they do or how they could help you?

You new belief and clarity will give your potential clients and class participants the confidence that they've chosen the right business AND they will also feel like they're missing out or missing a great opportunity if the they don't.

Plus, you'll always have a 'go-to' FitBiz Gift List to re-affirm the confidence & belief in YOU, your services & business as well as re-align with the right clients.

Try it out and let me know how it works for you!

Meanwhile, if YOU are looking to Unwrap more gifts in your fitness business 🎁

… and you’d like my help with mastering manifesting more clients, & income into your fitness business - from both a practical & energetic perspective…

👉That is exactly what I teach in my 12 step UNWRAP YOUR FITBIZ™️ program

In UNWRAP YOUR FITBIZ™️ for Success , we literally Unwrap your fitness business to strip away what isn't working and re-wrap it so it provides more value to your clients, attracts those clients with ease & gives you the gift of more abundance

— and we use aspect of all 3 layers of the FitBiz Foundationals™️ - Mindset, Monetize & Methodology.

My method includes simple, easy to implement tutorials and practices that guide you through my my transformational FitBiz Foundationals™️

— while leaving room for you to personalise your fitness business so it is a unique gift to you & your clients!

We also refine your INDIVIDUALITY in the industry (what makes you different from anyone else), and highlight the EXACT “biggest transformation” you help clients achieve. (yes even if you 'only teach classes')

This program is an extremely low investment (even at it's full price) that you can easily MORE than recoup with just 1-2 clients.

Comment below to ask any questions if you're not sure if it's for you or click the link below to find out the FULL details and to sign up for this insanely low price!

 Get full details here 👉

Sign up now here 👉


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