Step 1 - Register as an Online Community Fit@home Instructor &/or Ambassador at no cost or monthly fees - It's all free so your earning potential is higher!
Step 2 - Share your unique ambassador link with friends, family, current clients etc, inviting them to join you
Step 3 - Submit 1 or more online workouts, wellness sessions, resources or meditations {guidelines, training & set submission times will be provided} - Note - You can still earn even without submitting anything!
Step 4 - YOU & any one who signs up via your Unique Ambassador link get access to your online content - as well as other instructors' content from around the UK - via a membership & app.
Step 5 - Earn 50% (this is submit to change once Community Fit@ Home running costs are established) of every membership fee who have signed up via your link. Giving you recurring income each month without hassle of tech set up, admin, payment issues or welcome emails for every new member!
Step 6 - Earn more income via live online sessions where you will be paid per sessions for live online classes & events. Earn bonus income every month from sign ups outside of Ambassador link sign ups. This could be from members signing up via the website rather than via an instructors unique ambassador link. Top ambassadors will receive bonus prizes and rewards each month.